The gullible people of the J&K are facing militancy from the last over three decades and there seems no respite from the militancy .The successive governments have tried their best to eliminate the scourge of militancy .With the result the militancy is continuing in Jammu and Kashmir and this is a big problem faced by the people and the government .The centre and the state governments have tried their best to fight the militancy with the pro active policy and strategy. Now there is the dire need and necessity to follow people friendly policies to wean general people away from militancy .

So what is needed most is that governments should take necessary steps to win the hearts and minds of the people so that the alienation of the troubled people is removed and they are united with the national mainstream . It has been observed and experienced that the muscular policies and coercive policies have not worked in J&K and therefore there is urgent need to follow pro people policies to win the hearts and minds of the alienated people so that they feel belongingness to the nation and will maintain distance from the militancy .
“The former prime minister A.B .Vajpayee had rightly said that the problem of J&K should be resolved with the principle of Insaniyat ,Jammaorayet and Kashmiriyat .“
Therefore muscular and hard policies should be shunned and soft approach needs to be applied to balm the hurt psyche of the people and there is need to heal the wounds and scars of the people and so the coercive policies of the successive centre and state and now the UT administration will not bring positive results rather it has complicated the intractable problem . So there is urgent need to wipe tears from the eyes of the sufferings and troubled people so that they will feel relieved and eased and will not fall in the machinations of the militants .The tooth for tooth and eye for eye policy has not and is not working in J&K and it has only created big void between the government and the people of the troubled Jammu and Kashmir .The coercive and harsh as well as hard policies have only distanced the people of J&K from the national mainstream and has created alienation among the people and so the need is to address the issues of the people through the prism of democracy ,humanity and above all through kashmiriyat to put it in the golden words of A.B Vajpayee.

The muscular and coercive policies had not worked in Jammu and Kashmir and it did not produce positive results and had not controlled militancy but has instead strengthened militancy .Therefore now there is need for following soft approach towards the militancy and try to win the hearts and minds of the people so that they will shun and distance from the militancy and join the national mainstream .This is possible only when the government follows the pro people and pro people friendly policies so that the hearts and minds of the alienated people are won and they feel the sense of belongingness to the nation .Thus instead of pursuing hard and muscular policies to deal the militancy ,there is need to follow and pursue people friendly policies to win the hearts and minds of the people .
“It is all the more necessary to bridge the distance and gap between the government and the people of Jammu and Kashmir so that they will consider themselves as the true sons of the India and this is possible only when the government is able to win the hearts and minds of the people and give a death kneel to the hard and harsh policies.”
Therefore there is need to address the genuine problems and issues of the people of the J&K from the prism of humanity so that the people of the militancy infested Jammu and Kashmir will come closer to India and the love and affection as well as the respect of the motherland will be infused in the people .For this it is necessary to wipe tears from the eyes of the alienated people of Jammu and Kashmir so that trust and confidence of the Kashmiris in the Indian government is given a boost .This will be possible only when the government is able to bridge the gap and void between the people of India and the Jammu and Kashmir people .There is urgent need to bring the people of Jammu and Kashmir to the national mainstream and for this the pro people and pro friendly approach should be perused so that the people of Kashmir will feel warmth and they will come closure to India .
Soft approach is the need of the hour and this soft policy should be used to infuse the spirit of Indianess among the people so that the alienation of the people will come to an end .The harsh policies need to be abdicated and instead soft policies should be resorted to heal the wounds and scars of the alienated people .Such policies should be applied which will lead to the feeling of belongingness to India among the people and the alienation will come to an end .Thus the alienation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir should be removed so that the alienated people will feel themselves the sons of mother India and the alienation is removed which will pave the way for the development of the people of Jammu and Kashmir at par with the people of India .
For removing of the alienation from the people of the Jammu and Kashmir, there is need to create the bonds of oneness with the India so that the alienated people will feel belongingness to India so that the people will regard India as their own country and will be ready for undergoing any sacrifice for the India .In turn India should guaranteed all amenities ’and privileges which are available to the people outside Kashmir should be made available to the people of Jammu and Kashmir so that the people will not feel any alienation .In short it can be said with surety that there is utmost need to win the hearts and minds of the people of the Jammu and Kashmir.
Courtesy : Omkar Dattatray