Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s special representative for Afghanistan, said that the third Doha meeting would be beneficial if it fosters close cooperation between the ruling authorities in Afghanistan and the international community.

In an interview with TASS news agency, Kabulov said that the meeting would be effective if it also helps to address the social and economic problems of the country and its people.

Kabulov said: “In our opinion, this meeting will be useful if it contributes to reviving close and constructive cooperation between the international community and the Afghan authorities, primarily for resolving the social and economic problems the country and its people are facing.”

Simultaneously, the director of political affairs at UNAMA, in a meeting with the head of the political deputy office of the Prime Minister, stated that the holding of the third Doha meeting is a positive step for engagement between the Islamic Emirate and the international community.

The Arg stated in a newsletter that Scott Smith, the director of political affairs at UNAMA, added that important discussions would take place at the third Doha meeting regarding the strengthening of Afghanistan’s private sector and alternative cultivation to narcotics.

The statement said: “The director of political affairs at UNAMA considered the Doha meeting as a suitable opportunity for continuing direct contact between the Islamic Emirate and the international community. According to him, important discussions on strengthening Afghanistan’s private sector and alternative cultivation to narcotics will be held in the upcoming meeting.”

“A suitable path and mechanism for expanding the interaction between the Islamic Emirate and the world, and reciprocally, the world’s interaction with the Islamic Emirate should be established in this meeting to be accepted by the parties,” said Sayed Zia Hosseini, an international relations expert.

Meanwhile, Zakir Jalali, director of the third political department of the Foreign Ministry, said that it is anticipated that the countries in the region and the interim government will discuss lifting unilateral sanctions at the third Doha meeting.

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