The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said that Afghanistan has the highest number of displaced people in the world.

In a report, the largest proportion of refugees globally are from Afghanistan and Syria, both with 6.4 million each [total of 12.8 million], and together equivalent to one-third of all refugees under UNHCR’s mandate.

The report said: “Globally, nearly 10.9 million Afghans remained displaced, almost all within their country or in neighbouring countries. In 2023, the number of Afghan refugees reported globally increased by 741,400 to reach 6.4 million, mostly reflecting new population estimates reported by both the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.”

“Many Afghans are forced to leave the country due to ongoing wars, poverty and unemployment, limited access to education, healthcare, and political instability,” said Ali Reza Karimi, a migrant rights activist.

Recent decades of war, poverty, lack of employment, and severe food insecurity are among the issues that have led to an increase in citizens fleeing to other countries.

“Insecurity, poverty, and unemployment are the main reasons for the migration of Afghans abroad,” said Akbar, an Afghan migrant in Iran.

According to the report, Syria also has 6.4 million refugees worldwide, equal to Afghanistan.

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