In a continued wave of enforced disappearances in Balochistan, Pakistani forces have reportedly detained two individuals from the Dorokundag checkpoint in Gwadar and relocated them to an unknown location. The two men, identified as Mehboob, son of Abul Hassan, and Wahab, son of Majeed, both residents of Dasht Hoor Sholeeg, have been missing since their arrest, with no information regarding their whereabouts.

Simultaneously, two individuals who were previously abducted reportedly by Pakistani forces have been released and returned home. Zahid Baloch, a resident of Gresha in Khuzdar district, who was forcibly disappeared from the town of Windar in Lasbela, has now been released. Likewise, Wali Jan Rahmalani Buzdar, who was abducted on September 15 from Loralai, has also been freed. A relative confirmed that Wali Jan had returned home, marking a rare case of recovery in the region. Wali Jan was one of four members of the Buzdar tribe who were abducted from Raara Sham, Loralai, at different times. The other three remain missing.

In another discovery, two mutilated bodies were found in the Muskan Kalat region of Kharan district. Both individuals had been shot and their bodies appeared to be in a decayed state. The corpses were shifted to Kharan Civil Hospital for further investigation.

It is pertinent to mention that Balochistan has long been a flashpoint for conflict between Baloch pro-independence groups and the Pakistani state, leading to widespread reports of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings. Thousands of people, mostly young men, have been abducted over the years by security forces or unidentified individuals, often with no legal process or accountability. Families of the disappeared continue to demand justice, but many victims remain untraceable, and cases of mutilated bodies found in remote areas are all too common. The international community and human rights organizations have frequently condemned the Pakistani government’s handling of the situation, but the crisis persists.

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