Three members of a ‘state-backed Death Squad’ were killed and five others injured in an attack by fighters from the Baloch Raji Aajoi Sangar (BRAS) in the Keelkor area of Panjgur, Balochistan, on Thursday, according to a statement released by BRAS, an umbrella organization of ‘pro-independence’ armed groups.

BRAS spokesperson Baloch Khan stated that their fighters acted on intelligence reports indicating the presence of ‘Death Squad’ members in Keelkor. “BRAS fighters swiftly surrounded and attacked the squad members at Kirki in Keelkor,” Khan said.

Khan identified the deceased as Nasir, Jamil son of Nazrok, and Ishaq son of Nazrok, adding that the fighters seized the squad members’ weapons during the attack. Five others were injured. Khan accused these ‘Death Squad’ members of being involved in national crimes under the leadership of Mulla Saifo and Saeed Lanto.

Khan also reported that Pakistani forces dispatched gunship helicopters in an attempt to rescue the ‘Death Squad’ members. However, he asserted that the operation failed to harm BRAS fighters or prevent the casualties among the ‘death squad’ members.

Khan concluded by reiterating the group’s commitment to continuing its struggle until achieving complete national freedom for Balochistan.

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