Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, told an Iranian media outlet that Tehran is working to attract Afghan entrepreneurs and private sector investors to invest in Iran’s large-scale projects by providing additional facilities.

On the sidelines of the “First International Export Exhibition to Central Asia and Afghanistan” in Mashhad, Kazemi Qomi said that the development of Iran’s Chabahar Port requires substantial investments. 

He added that the Iran-Afghanistan route, with the expansion of this port, could establish a North-South and East-West regional transit corridor.

Khan Jan Alokozay, a board member of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment, told TOLOnews: “There are contradictory figures, with some saying that billions of dollars have gone there without clear statistics. Many of our traders have gone to Iran, invested, and settled there, but Iran’s conditions are far stricter than those in Dubai or Turkey.”

Some experts highlight that Afghanistan currently requires investment in various sectors, and should the Islamic Emirate gain global recognition, the level of investment in the country would also increase.

Mohammad Asif Stanekzai, an economic analyst, told TOLOnews: “The Islamic Emirate must make every effort to engage with the world and achieve international legitimacy. Only then will international trade restrictions be lifted, and Afghanistan can transform into an industrialized country.”

Another economic expert, Abdul Ghafar Nazemi, said: “Investment should happen in Afghanistan because the country has a very affordable labor force, and raw materials are inexpensive, which could help boost productivity. This is more beneficial than investing in other countries.”

Previously, the Iranian Investment Association reported that the largest investments in various sectors of Iran have been made by Afghan investors. According to this association’s report, Afghan citizens’ investments in Iran total around four billion dollars.

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