Taliban and Kabul agreement, an important step towards regional peace

In historical development, an initial agreement has been reached between the Taliban and the Afghan government. It is the first written agreement between the two parties in 19 years, which is welcomed by the world including Pakistan. Instability in Afghanistan is affecting the whole region, more so, Pakistan. Iran, Pakistan, and Middle Eastern countries are facing terrorism. But a distant country (India) and some vested-interest elements in Afghanistan do not want peace in Afghanistan at any cost. Pakistan has, for a long, underlined that if the global community wishes to see peace and stability in Afghanistan as well in the South Asian region, then it has to monitor Indian activities.

India has made inroads into Afghanistan for the last seven decades and with the help of its Afghan collaborators, it has converted Afghanistan into a nursery of terror. How can a country, where 67 terror networks are operating, achieve peace? India’s terror network is spread from Pakistani borders to west Asian countries. India blackmails neighbouring countries of Afghanistan to achieve its goal. Peace in Afghanistan will endanger the interest of those Afghans working with India, who are involved in looting and piling Afghan wealth through the drug trade.

Though this important breakthrough is a major development, anti-peace elements need to be controlled, otherwise, they may plan genocide in Afghanistan. Here, we would like to repeat that the global community must watch India and anti-peace elements in Afghanistan and take measures to control them. The first phase of intra-Afghan talks is underway following the US troops withdrawal agreement between the US and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Afghan Taliban). Now, a preliminary agreement has been reached between the Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban. The negotiation procedure has been finalized in a written agreement.

Nader Naderi, a member of the Afghan government’s negotiating delegation, said that further talks would be held in accordance with terms set in this document. The Taliban have also confirmed the initial agreement. US Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad tweeted that the two sides had agreed on a three-page agreement that included rules and procedures for political planning and negotiations for a comprehensive ceasefire. This agreement indicates that the parties are ready to agree even on difficult issues. In this agreement, only the modalities of negotiations and the agenda for negotiation have been set. Nevertheless, it has been hailed as a breakthrough.

In the history of Afghanistan, the intra-Afghan dialogue is the most delicate and sensitive issue because in the past, following the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, Afghanistan experienced civil conflict and civil war and no independent government could be established because of the failure of warring factions to arrive at a consensus. The disintegration of the Afghan Mujahideen led to the rise of the Taliban. Then came the 9/11 attacks and Afghanistan fell victim to US aggression. During this longest war, many Taliban leaders passed away, but the Taliban as a movement pulled on and the Taliban held successful talks with the US in Doha. Now the inter-Afghan dialogue will lay the foundation of the future political system to keep Afghanistan safe from anarchy. The great powers must also learn from the events of the past. Everyone should know that peace in Afghanistan can guarantee peace in the whole of Asia.

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