Police Officer Shot Dead In Srinagar, Incident Caught On Camera
People gathered on the funeral of martyred J&K Police Sub inspector Arshad Ahmad Meer to pay him final adieu sends…
People gathered on the funeral of martyred J&K Police Sub inspector Arshad Ahmad Meer to pay him final adieu sends…
This street vendor Pakistan boy exposes how the Imran and Bajwa led Pakistan Government has been functioning since 2018
very sacking of constitutional government in Pakistan by unaccountable state organs is “justified” by allegations of financial corruption
A police statement released along with the videos on Tuesday did not mention the names of the relatives who attended…
Schaffer’s outstanding book is must reading not only for those interested in the long-standing dispute between India and Pak over…
KASHMIR - The Storm Center of the World, in the United States of America, a bastion of liberty and fairplay…