Two hundred and thirty schools from Jammu and Kashmir have been selected under PM Shri Scheme of Schools for strengthening and up gradation of the schools.

The decision was taken during the maiden Project Approval Board (PAB) meeting convened by Economic Advisor School Education and Literacy (SEL) today and was attended by Principal Secretary J&K School Education Department (SED) Alok Kumar, project director J&K Samagra Shiksha and Director school education Kashmir and Jammu division besides other officials of the department. During the meeting, the Ministry of Education has selected 230 schools of Jammu and Kashmir which will receive an additional grant of Rs 50 lakhs each for strengthening and up gradation of the infrastructure besides taking up other innovative initiatives as well. An official privy to the PAB meeting informed that the grants provided to these selected schools will be provided in addition to other grants approved for the schools under Capex budget or J&K Samagra Shiksha.

“Each school will receive Rs 50 lakhs as additional grants and out of which 15 to 30 percent of this grant can be utilised on the non-recurring parts like construction and renovation of toilet blocks.

“Maximum portion of funds will be utilised on innovative projects like water harvesting system, lightening systems and other innovative ideas,” the official said. He said the funds can be utlised on procurement of additional requirements of uniforms for school children or purchase of I-cards and school bags for the pupil.

“A review will be taken after five years and these selected schools should be strengthened and developed at par with private schools and should appear as model schools,” the official said. The PM SHRI schools scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 5 of 2022 with an aim to develop more than 14,500 schools across India.

The idea is to create nurturing, holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with key 21st century skills,” an official said. The shortlisted schools will be developed into model schools and besides giving attention to curriculum, students will be trained to take part in co-curricular activities as well. As per the official document, the schools selected under PM Shri scheme will showcase the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP)- 2020 and emerge as exemplary schools over a period of time. The duration of the scheme is proposed to be from 2022-23 to 2026-27 and after which it shall be the responsibility of the States and UTs to continue to maintain the benchmarks achieved by these schools.

“More than 20 lakh students are expected to be direct beneficiaries of the scheme. The total cost of the project will be Rs 27360 crore spread over a period of five years which includes a central share of Rs 18128 crore,” the document reads.

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