The India-Pakistan Agreement Regarding the Design of the Salal Hydro Electric Plant of River Chenab, situated in Jammu and Kashmir, was signed on April 14th, 1978. The agreement is based on the provisions of Indus Water Treaty of 1960
The following is the agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan regarding the design of the Salal Hydroelectric Plant of the river Chenab Main, Signed in New Delhi on April 14th, 1978 by Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Minister of External Affairs, for the Government of India and Mr. Agha Shahi, Adviser to the Foreign Affairs for the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
Being desirous of promoting and strengthening friendly relations between them on the basis of sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit,
Taking into consideration the provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty, 1960, to which both the Governments are parties,
Having discussed the differences that had arisen between the two Governments regarding the design of the Salal Hydro-electric Plant on Chenab Main, and
Without prejudice to the provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty) or to the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder,
Have agreed, as follows:
Article – I
The Salient features of the Salal Hydroelectric Plant shall conform to the following:
i) LOCATION: At Salal
Longitude: 74 degrees 50′ East
Latitude: 33 degrees 08′ North
ii) FULL PONDAGE LEVEL : Not higher than EL 1600 Feet.
iii) DEAD STORAGE LEVEL : Same as the Full Pondage Level
v) DEAD STORAGE CAPACITY : Not exceeding 230,303 acre feet.
vi) IMMOVABLE CREST LEVEL OF THE SPILL WAY : Not more than 30 feet below
the full Pondage Level.
vii) SPILLWAY GATES: 12 numbers, 50 feet wide and 30 feet high.
The design shall provide for water to spill over the top of the spillway gates if the gates are not opened in time.
viii) LEVEL OF POWER INTAKES: The center line of the penstocks at the intake to be not
lower than 27.5 feet below the full Pondage Level.

ix) OUTLET WORKS: Six numbers with cill level not below EL 1365 feet. These shall be
permanently closed with concrete plugs within one year or the date of the first filling of the reservoir upto the Full Pondage level or within three years of the date of the first filling of the reservoir upto the crest of the spillway, whichever is earlier.
The Dead storage shall not be depleted except in an unforeseen emergency endangering the safety of the earth or the concrete dams. In that event, India shall give immediate information to the Government of Pakistan of the nature of emergency and may simultaneously undertake such action as may be necessary.
In case the removal of concrete plugs becomes necessary, India shall hold immediate consultations with the representatives of the Pakistan Government including site inspection of the plant.
Article – II
India shall not make any further alterations in the features of the design of the Plant specified in Article 1 above except by mutual agreement.
Article – III
Any question, which arises between the Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement or the existence of any fact, which, if established, might constitute a breach of this Agreement, shall be dealt with under the provisions of Article IX of the Treaty.
Article – IV
Matters not expressly provided for in this Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the Treaty.
Article – V
The terms used in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as in the Treaty.
Article – VI
This Agreement shall come into force upon signature.
Done in duplicate in the Hindi, Urdu and English languages at New Delhi on this Fourteenth day of April 1978. All the texts will be equally authentic; however, in case of doubt, the English text shall prevail.
We hope this Agreement will be a significant step to make our subcontinent an area of stability and thus enable the nations of the region to optimise their natural resources and spur their development and promote the well being of the peoples in the countries of the region.
April 14, 1978

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