Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi have issued a joint statement following an official meeting in Moscow, describing the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan as comprehensive and effective.

Russian media outlets, publishing the statement, reported that Putin and Modi referred to the current Afghan government as an independent state during their discussions on the situation in Afghanistan.

The statement reads: “Putin and Modi discussed the situation in Afghanistan and supported its establishment as an independent state.”

The statement said: “Putin and Modi expressed confidence that the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan will be comprehensive and effective.”

According to the joint statement, Modi’s visit to Russia also emphasized global and regional issues.

“The content of foreign policy must be specified to determine which direction it is heading, and there should also be a national consensus internally so that other countries gain more trust in the Islamic Emirate,” said Kamran Aman, a political analyst.

Hamdullah Fetrat, deputy spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said: “We welcome the positive stance of those countries that understand the realities and achievements present in Afghanistan and wish to have good relations with Afghanistan. These are the realities that Afghanistan is an independent country and the Islamic Emirate is the governing and unified system in Afghanistan.”

“We should never act towards the countries of the world in a way that makes them turn away from our country. We must extend the hand of relations and friendship to the countries of the region and the world and interact with them,” said Mohammad Emal Dostyar, another political analyst.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the conclusion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, referred to the Islamic Emirate as an ally of his country in the fight against terrorism.

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