The People’s Republic of China (PRC) known today as “Mainland China”, historically has been known as “Maoist or Red China”. It developed into “Bandit-occupied Area” and eventually evolved into “Communist China”. As the muscle power of the communist ideology grew in ‘China’ in the 40s, PRC came into being on 01 Oct 1949, with the Communist Party of China gaining power.
The Communists fought and overthrew the Nationalists (Kuomintang), who post their persecution ran away to present day Taiwan and established a government there. The ROC known today as “Taiwan” or the “Free area of the ROC”, historically known as “Real China”, “Formosa”, “Nationalist China” and “Free China” thus came into existence. Nationalist government in Main Land China did have a constitution which allowed a multi party system till 1949, however the Communists have strictly followed a one party system since then.
Unlike in India where democracy was finding it’s roots in the 40s as the British left, the opposite was happening in this country, democratic setup (constitution) was being uprooted by a ruthless communist ideology that did not believe in individual rights but only rights of the state. Many of us may not know that In 1949, there was a civil war in which the then government (ROC) lost control of mainland to the Communist Party, which established the PRC and took control of all of mainland China. Nationalists were targeted and a bandit government came into being which was largely led by mob a mentality.
Yes, the ROC had its problems but the fantasy of communist ideology led the world to believe that the Communist Revolution in China was a really good thing to have happened for humanity. While quite the opposite, in the long run the individual rights had been taken away and a single party system has been put in place.
Now, again ROC and PRC are at loggerheads. A time has come when all liberal democracies should stand by a democratically elected government in Taiwan. Japan, India, Australia and USA are the four democracies in the region which are most impacted by this power struggle in the Indo- Pacific, they are also the QUAD nations, hence must express their concerns at every possible level through all possible means.

The expansionist policies of PRC, and the bandit like attitude amongst some of its communist party appointment holders is threatening ROC Taiwan and peace of the entire region. Extensive Air and Naval blockade of Taiwan has led to deployment of many missile defence systems in the area which is a threat to stability of the Indo- Chin Sea.
It’s time PRC is told by the world to back off.
Courtesy : Sunny Kohli