Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his latest remarks, has emphasized the importance of engaging with the Islamic Emirate, while also stressing the need for an inclusive government in Afghanistan.

Putin also said that Russia must ensure that agreements at the United Nations level, including the issue of an inclusive government in Afghanistan, are implemented.

According to the Russian President, security and stability in Afghanistan are significantly more important than economic opportunities for Russia and Uzbekistan.

In this regard, Vladimir Putin said: “Security and stability in Afghanistan are more important than economic opportunities for us and Uzbekistan. The Taliban must fulfill their promises regarding an inclusive government that includes all ethnic groups and political factions.”

The Russian president, referring to establishing relations with the Islamic Emirate, said: “There are problems in Afghanistan that everyone is aware of, but we must engage with the current government. The Taliban are the ones governing the country; they have power in Afghanistan today. We must follow the realities and establish our relations accordingly.”

Meanwhile, the Islamic Emirate, while not commenting on an inclusive government, added that Kabul desires good relations with all countries of the world.

Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, told TOLOnews: “The reality is that official interactions with the Islamic Emirate should begin, and this is the way of salvation for everyone. We cannot solve problems in terms of sanctions and pressures.”

The Islamic Emirate has repeatedly said that all ethnic groups are included in the current government.

Vladimir Putin’s emphasis on forming an inclusive government in Afghanistan comes as some Russian officials have recently said they are considering removing the “Taliban” from the list of terrorist groups.

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