Locals in Harbandas area in Chilas, located in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan organized a protest recently expressing their frustration over prolonged power outages.

According to local media Pamir Times, protesters reportedly threw stones at the residence of the Executive Engineer and caused damage to property.

The issue of power cuts and load shedding in PoGB remains a significant concern for residents. Frequent interruptions in electricity supply disrupt daily life and exacerbate challenges, especially during periods of extreme weather conditions.

Despite frequent load shedding, local residents often have to pay inflated electricity bills, which has added fuel to their anger.

Amid escalating protests against the power cuts, a significant number of people in the area months ago had initiated a boycott of bill payments.

The inconsistent power supply hampers commercial activities in the area, discouraging investment and economic development in the region. Businesses often resort to expensive backup power solutions like generators, increasing operational costs.

Civil unrest and dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the energy crisis have occasionally escalated, demanding urgent solutions to the power supply issues.

The potential for hydroelectric power generation in Gilgit-Baltistan has not been fully realized due to bureaucratic obstacles, financial limitations, and a perceived lack of commitment. These challenges have resulted in ongoing issues with electricity supply in the region.

Moreover, PoGB faces significant gaps in infrastructure development, including roads, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and water supply.

There are disparities in social development indicators between illegally occupied areas of Gilgit-Baltistan and other parts of Pakistan. Local communities and advocacy groups have raised concerns about marginalization and the need for inclusive development policies.

A crisis is unfolding across all sectors of Gilgit-Baltistan, encompassing various challenges and difficulties.

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