India on Thursday slammed Pakistan for its “baseless” and “politically motivated” remarks on Jammu and Kashmir during the United Nations Security Council’s open debate on ‘Children and Armed Conflicts’. India’s Deputy Representative to the United Nations, R Ravindra, said that it was Pakistan’s “another habitual attempt” to divert attention from the “grave violations” against children that continue in their country.

Ravindra’s comment came after the representative of Pakistan at the UN expressed concern over the alleged “unjust” omission from a report of the situation of children in Jammu and Kashmir.

“Let me respond briefly in the interest of time to remarks which were, obviously, politically motivated and unfounded, made by one representative against my country. I categorically dismiss and condemn these baseless remarks with the contempt they deserve…This is nothing but another habitual attempt to divert attention from the grave violations against children that continue unabated in his own country, as highlighted in this year’s Secretary General’s report on children and armed conflict,” Ravindra said.

He further mentioned that as far as Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, it will “always be an integral and inalienable part of India, irrespective of what this particular representative or his country (Pakistan) believes or wishes”.

Pakistan has been consistently raising the topic of Jammu and Kashmir on various UN platforms, irrespective of the subject being raised. While, India has always rejected the neighboring country’s attempts to raise the issue.Meanwhile, the Indian envoy, during the UNSC debate, noted the severity of grave violations against children in armed conflict situations and called it a “matter of deep concern”. He also stressed that the abuse, exploitation, sexual violence, and other grave violations against children committed by terrorists need greater focus and determined action.

“This year marks 25 years since the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1261 on children and armed conflict. The report presents a sobering account of the escalating threats faced by children in the conflict zones. Terrorists and armed groups continue to commit the majority of the violations,” he said.

Ravindra added that children are “particularly vulnerable to indoctrination through violent extremist ideologies designed to foment terrorism”, and also stressed that this challenge can only be overcome by resolute actions by the government on whose territory such entities operate.

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