Despite spending millions on anti-plastic campaigns, Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan continues to suffer from plastic pollution
particularly in the city park
A growing number of residents have raised their voices over the piles of plastic waste that are tarnishing the beauty of the city park in
PoGB and causing serious health concerns

A local resident shared his concerns, stating, “We are fed up with the growing heaps of plastic around us. The government has done
nothing to keep the park clean, and it’s affecting everyone. Children play here, and the plastic waste is a potential hazard for their health.”
One of the biggest issues raised is the presence of a large ditch near the park, which is filled to the brim with plastic waste.

Local residents have criticised the Gilgit Development Authority for not taking adequate steps to address the situation. They have claimed that the lack of waste management infrastructure, such as dustbins, is contributing to the problem.

Another concerned resident remarked, “The government needs to take responsibility for keeping our environment clean. If there were
dustbins, people would dispose of their waste properly. Instead, we see plastic littering everywhere, and it’s causing diseases. Children are
at risk, and the park has become an eyesore.”

Despite the heavy spending on plastic-free initiatives, no substantial improvements have been made. The community has called for a strict
ban on plastic products and immediate cleanup efforts by local authorities to restore the park’s cleanliness.

The residents have urged the government to take swift action to clean up the area and provide proper waste management
facilities, including dustbins, to curb the increasing plastic pollution . Without urgent intervention, the consequences for both the environment and public health could be dire

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