Pakistan Social Media Regulations Against Anti-state Content

There are two important issues at the national level. First, the India-sponsored anti-Pakistan fake propaganda social media network operating from European soil has been exposed. Second, the Government of Pakistan has adopted new regulations to prevent the promotion of illegal or objectionable content on the Internet.

The Internet has become an integral part of life today but some evil-minded countries are using various digital platforms for negative purposes. About a year and a half ago, Pakistan’s state institutions discovered this after undertaking an investigation. Social media accounts with fake identities are being run from India and Afghanistan. These fake accounts continue to propagate linguistic prejudice, sectarian hatred, and violent insurgent ideology in Pakistan 24X7.

At another level, the masterminds and facilitators of these anti-state groups continue to carry out poisonous propaganda on social media and other digital platforms. There have been a number of incidents in which terrorist organizations operating from the territory of another country have lured immature minds in Pakistan into their evil clutches. It is a fact that separatist terrorists have been inciting youth in backward areas for terrorism by spreading false propaganda against the state of Pakistan using various social media platforms. A sense of frustration and uncertainty has been generated among the people by promoting fake information on social media about Pakistan, portraying it as a failed state.

Several leaders and ministers in India have vowed to annihilate Pakistan. Although Pakistan has repeatedly mentioned the fifth-generation hybrid being imposed by India, the international community has not paid much attention to this issue. Pakistan’s westernized liberal circles, in their traditional hatred of the military establishment, have made frivolous comments on sensitive issues such as the Fifth Generation War. Thankfully, an organization in Europe has exposed the fake propaganda network of India. It has given credence to Pakistani allegations against India for a long time.

It is now beyond doubt that the India-led campaign to destabilize Pakistan is being carried out through social media and the internet. False material is constantly being spread in Pakistani society promoting linguistic prejudice, sectarian divisions, political differences, and negative opinions on sensitive religious issues. Pakistan is acutely short of laws to curb such anti-state activities.

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