It sounds queer that Pakistan should rake up Kashmir wherever it gets a chance at whichever platform even after having on umpteen times being told that the only dispute in respect of Kashmir was to vacate the areas it had through aggression usurped in 1947-48. It is now bringing in constitutionally abrogated Article 370 and other issues which were internal matters of a sovereign independent country over which Pakistan had no locus standi.
It has been told that much water has flown down the Jehlum all these 75 years and it was, therefore, futile on its part to rake it up, be it the platform of the United Nations, the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) and the like. Instead of talking overhow fast it could guarantee the International Community about stopping cross border terrorism and infiltrating its armed agents into Jammu and Kashmir and thus keeping sustaining the proxy war of terrorism against India, it was beating around the bush of Kashmir and claiming to be self styled champion of minorities in India.
The funniest part of the duplicity, double standards and indulging in deceit by Pakistan is that it invents non-existent ”ill treatment of minorities” in India and speaks about fictional human rights violations whatever in Kashmir.

“The fact of the matter, on the other hand, is that the religious minorities in Pakistan have systematically been decimated in that country and continuously subjected to worst types of discrimination and state sponsored repression. “
The fear instilled in the minorities in Pakistan is such that they cannot even speak about the repression and discrimination they are subjected to only because of their faith. Fear of being forcibly converted, apprehensions about the safety and security of their women especially minor Hindu girls and the sword hanging over with regard to falsely implicating in manufactured issues is a grave challenge to the very existence of Hindus who are reduced just below 2 percent of the total population in Pakistan.
Pakistan cannot wash off its sins and treachery with the civilized world in respect of providing state protection and stay in the heart of Pakistan to terrorist Osama Bin Laden while claiming all innocence about his whereabouts not to speak of sponsoring terror attacks like Mumbai attack of 26/11 in 2008 by sending 10 of its fully trained and armed terrorists who killed 166 and injured 300 innocents in the financial capital of India and where the handlers and the master mind of such an attack on humanity find their safe, secured and assured haven in Pakistan.
Indian diplomat, therefore, exercising the right to reply reminded Pakistan to at least introspect before levelling false allegations against this country. He asked Pakistan as to why it had stopped publishing its data on shameful atrocities on and discrimination against the religious minorities in that country where it had set the ”world record” of gravest human rights violations against them.
In this connection, we may add, whether Pakistan has been given ”all clearance” by the world community, even in the lest, about it taking steps leading to the removal of the blot of being the epicentre of terrorism? Whether it has officially contradicted the brazenly admitting by its former President Parvez Musharaff about the existence of terror training camps in and support extended by Pakistan to “our boys”? PM Shabaz Sharif spoke at the UN General Assembly Session again taking up the issue of Kashmir and his entire “speech” was punctuated with remarks and accusations against India which have no basis or any substance and India represented by its External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar rebutted such false accusations of Pakistan by saying that there was no justification for any act of terrorism, regardless of motivation as India has been bearing the brunt of cross border terrorism for decades. “No rhetoric, however, sanctimonious can ever cover up blood stains”, was the logical stand taken by the Indian External Affairs Minister.
Hitting out at China without naming it, he warned that those defending proclaimed terrorists were doing it at their own peril- “they advance neither their own interests nor indeed their reputation.”
Courtesy : Daily Excelsior