Due to the ongoing gunfight between two competing groups of the Mengal tribe in the Wadh area of Khuzdar district, which has resulted in three deaths and 10 injuries, many people, including members of minorities, have relocated to other parts of Balochistan , reported Dawn.

Due to the efforts of Nawab Aslam Raisani, the chief of the Sarawan tribes, and other tribal elders, both parties violated the ceasefire they had agreed to last week.

Heavy weaponry by both sides against one another after the truce was broken, according to officials, has resulted in the closure of all bazaars, businesses, and commercial areas as well as shortages of food and other necessities in Wadh town and the surrounding areas.According to Dawn, the traffic in the region was also very badly affected as the local administration had no other option but to close the Khuzdar-Karachi Highway when rival groups fired rockets.

The local populace has begun relocating to different regions in order to protect their lives and prevent suffering significant losses as a result of the ongoing gunfire. 

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