The Pakistan Army’s manufactured conflict in Tirah has turned the region into a living nightmare for its residents. In yet another act of reckless aggression, a mortar shell struck the house of PTM Khyber Human Rights Coordinator Fayyaz-ul-Haq Afridi, severely damaging his home. This attack is yet another reminder that the Punjabi Paki establishment’s so-called “war” is nothing but an excuse to suppress local Pashtuns while pretending to fight terrorism.

For weeks, Tirah has been in turmoil as the Punjabi Pak Army stages a war-like environment, forcing schools to shut down, markets to close, and daily life to come to a standstill. The Pakistan Army, known for its decades-long brutality against ethnic minorities, has once again turned civilian areas into battlegrounds, showing complete disregard for the safety and rights of the people.

This is not a real conflict—it is a well-orchestrated ploy to tighten military control over the region while justifying their presence under the pretext of security. The people of Tirah are being made to suffer for an Army that has never fought real enemies but has always waged war against Pashtuns.

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