The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has released a detailed 18-minute video of their attacks from the past week. The video, published on their official channel “Hakkal,” provides further details of Operation Herof, including brief messages from the “fidayeen” involved in the “self-sacrificing” attack in Bela, as well as graphics pinpointing the locations of the attacks across various districts in Balochistan.

The video features footage of the BLA fighters training for the attack on a Pakistani forces’ camp in Bela, where the members of the BLA’s Majeed Brigade launched an assault. The operation took place during the night of August 25-26, with coordinated actions across Balochistan under Operation Herof, including road blockades in 13 districts, takeovers of police and Levies stations, and targeted assaults on Pakistani forces.

According to the BLA, Operation Herof represents the first phase of reclaiming Baloch land. The primary attack under this operation targeted the central headquarters of Pakistani forces in the Bela tehsil of Lasbela district, where intense fighting ensued for 20 hours.

In the video, the BLA “fidayeen”(self-sacrificers) who participated in the Bela camp attack are seen filming the clashes with Pakistani forces, delivering messages to their families, friends, and the Baloch nation. One of the fighters, Fazal Gul Zehri, sends a message to his mother, urging her to remain strong and continue supporting the cause, mentioning that this movement is led by Aslam Baloch, who sacrificed his young son.

Fazal Gul Zehri also warns the state forces that they no longer need to search for them[Baloch fighters] in the mountains, as they will soon target the state in its secure locations.

Another fighter, Mond Baloch, appeals to Baloch individuals in the Gulf region to join this national struggle against Pakistani oppression. Junaid Zehri, a fighter from Khuzdar’s Zehri area, tells his parents not to grieve but to take pride in his martyrdom, as he has fulfilled his national duty. He emphasizes the need for action and struggle to achieve complete independence.

The video also features a message from Mahal Baloch, known as Zilan Kurd, who drove a vehicle into the main gate of the Bela camp, enabling further access for the attackers. She calls on the Baloch people, especially women, to join the national struggle alongside their brothers.

Mahal Baloch says, “The path I have chosen is the one set by General Aslam Baloch, the founder of the Majeed Brigade, and by Shari and Sumaya Baloch, who participated in the suicide attacks in Karachi and Turbat.”

Another fidayee, Rizwan Baloch, who rammed a vehicle into the second gate of the Bela camp to allow more BLA fighters inside, expresses that they have taken up arms to protect their land and the honor of their mothers and sisters.

The video also includes moments from various attacks on Pakistani forces during the road blockades across Balochistan, showing the seizure of weapons.

The Baloch Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the deaths of 130 Pakistani forces and intelligence personnel during these clashes and attacks, stating that Operation Herof was the first step towards regaining control over Baloch land, with future attacks promised to be even more intense.

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