Observing the month of blessings

The month of Ramadan is a month of great blessings and great virtues. In this month, human beings get special facilities from Allah Almighty and His special rewards are on the world of humanity.
In this blessed month, the doors of Allah’s mercy are opened wide. The gates of the heavens are also opened and light and blessings descend from them. The gates of hell are closed and the rebellious demons are imprisoned. The reward of worship is increased in Ramadan. The reward of duty is 70 times more compared to any other month of the year.
The reward of supererogation is made equal to the duty. There is a night in this blessed month which is better than a thousand months. I’tikaf of the last ten days of this month is blessed. In Ramadan, we can see with our own eyes these rewards and blessings from Allah, the Exalted, and the blessings He bestows on us.

We see that people who find it difficult to recite four rak’ats of Isha in normal days, recite eight more rak’ats in Ramadan. Many people who are deprived of the wealth of magic become committed to Tahajjud. The routine of dhikr and recitation increases. At the same time, it becomes easier for us to be hungry and thirsty from morning till evening. Throughout the month, the atmosphere feels light and beautiful. Those who fight and quarrel begin to fight their anger with the shield of fasting. Eyes are lowered and hearts are erased in the sight of divine light.
Many virtues of Ramadan have been mentioned in the Quran and the virtues of Ramadan have been mentioned so many times in the hadiths that a permanent book is needed to explain them. One of the narrations regarding the virtues of Ramadan is that once the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the people in the mosque to come closer to the dice.
As people approached, the Prophet (PBUH) climbed on the dice. When he stepped on the first step, he said, “Ameen.” Then he stepped on the second step and said ‘Ameen’. After that he stepped on the third step and said ‘Ameen’.

When the prophet (PBUH) descended from the dice, we said: O Messenger of Allah, today we have heard from you something which we have never heard. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Gabriel (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to me and said: May the person who got the month of Ramadan be destroyed, as he could not get his forgiveness, so I said Ameen. It is worth noting that Ramadan is a gift from Allah, the Lord of the worlds, but it is the responsibility of man himself to benefit from this gift. That is, man should strive to ensure his forgiveness in this blessed month by making an effort. Every person should take every possible step on his own so that the form of his forgiveness can be created. From this point of view, the blessed hours of Ramadan need to be spent with great care and attention.

There are numerous instructions in the Qur’an and Hadith regarding the proper conduct of the blessed days of Ramadan and taking full advantage of them. People usually follow these instructions. If they are looked at in order, then the following matters in the instructions are of additional importance and are more important;

  • Arranging Nawafil: In Ramadan, the reward of Nawafil is equal to the obligatory prayers. Therefore, performing a supererogatory prayer means performing a duty. Therefore, Nawafil should be arranged frequently in Ramadan. Taraweeh is usually offered by people. In addition to these, at the time of Tahajjud, you must recite two or four naafils and try to arrange two or six naafils after the Sunnah of Maghrib. At the same time, make the Ishraq prayer a routine, at least in Ramadan. Apart from these, Nawafil should also be arranged as per the occasion and convenience.
  • Recitation of the Holy Quran: Ramadan has a special relevance to the recitation of the Holy Quran. Because the Quran was revealed in this sacred month. Therefore, Ramadan has a great relevance to the Qur’an. Therefore, make it a habit to recite at least three parts daily in Ramadan. Do not set any specific time for recitation in Ramadan but recite it after every prayer as per your convenience. In this way, the interest and connection with the Qur’an will increase and through it the store of reward will be accumulated.
  • Charity: The third important thing is to help others as much as you can in this blessed month. By the way, help everyone but especially meet the needs of the needy. One of the names of the holy month of Ramadan is Al-Mawasaat, meaning the month of sympathy and grief. One of the goals of this month is to inform others about Mubarak. Sadaqah al-Fitr has been made obligatory in this month for the special help of the poor. Other than that, spend as much as you can in the way of Allah. Many people also pay their Zakat in this blessed month. This is also a good practice.
  • Service: Service is an essential function in this month. As much as possible, serve and inform your community and those around you. Start the service with your family. Those who have the wealth of their parents should serve their parents the most. In addition, husband and wife should serve each other. Inform your children. Serve the weak relatives and the elders of the neighborhood. Service is also a great act of worship.
  • Thanks Blessings: In the holy month of Ramadan, the greatest blessing of humanity was bestowed on human beings, namely the revelation of the Holy Quran. It is very important to thank Allah, the Lord of Glory, for this great blessing of Allah. If it were not for this blessing, we would not know in what darkness we would be killing Tom cats. Therefore, this is the greatest blessing of Allah Almighty. Give her as much thanks as you can. In addition to this, there are innumerable blessings which are always on us.
  • Self-training: The most important thing in Ramadan is self-training. This is one of the purposes of fasting. According to a hadith, fasting is a shield. If a person is fasting, he should not commit obscenity. Don’t make noise. If someone insults him or wants to fight, he should say that he is fasting. That is, I will not quarrel (Bukhari). According to another hadith, many fasting people are such that they get nothing but hunger in the fruits of fasting (Ibn Majah). Therefore, special attention should be paid to improve our self through fasting, purify our inner self, and create piety in us. Let there be a lack of self, let there be a substance of patience and endurance, let us learn to forgive, the more these qualities are created in us, the higher the standard of piety will be. And the goals of fasting will be fulfilled. Here are some tips to help you spend the holy month of Ramadan Mubarak. The one who needs them the most. To say so is to invite oneself. May Allah Almighty grant us all the ability to benefit fully from this blessed month and make this month a source of forgiveness for us and gaining His approval.

Courtesy : Hroon Ibn Rasheed

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