Excerpts of telegram sent by Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru to the British Prime Minister Clement Attlee on October 26, 1947, after receiving appeal for assistance from Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir.
Excerpts of telegram dated 26 October, 1947 from Jawaharlal Nehru to the
British Prime Minister, Clement Attlee.
“For Prime Minister United Kingdom from Prime Minister India.
We have received urgent appeal for assistance from Kashmir Government. We would be disposed
to give favourable consideration to such request from any friendly State. Kashmir’s Northern
frontiers, as you are aware, run in common with those of three countries, Afghanistan, the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics and China. Security of Kashmir, which must depend upon control of
internal tranquillity and existence of stable Government, is vital to security of India especially since
part of Southern boundary of Kashmir and India are common. Helping Kashmir, therefore, is an
obligation of national interest to India. We are giving urgent consideration to question as to what
assistance we can give to State to defend itself.
I should like to make it clear that question of aiding Kashmir in this emergency is not designed in any
way to influence the State to accede to India. Our view which we have repeatedly made public is
that the question of accession in any disputed territory or State must be decided in accordance with
wishes of people and we adhere to this view. It is quite clear, however, that no free expression of
will of people of Kashmir is possible if external aggression succeeds in imperilling integrity of its
I have thought it desirable to inform you of situation because of its threat of international