The Killings of the non locals meaning non Kashmiri outsiders continues intermittently in Kashmir .The land of sufism that Kashmir is and represents stands today soaked with innocent and precious human blood. Such unfortunate Killings are going on unabated and it has given a bad name to Kashmiris and destroys our composite culture .Such killings of the unarmed ,helpless and meek laborers has no place in our democracy and these killings should not happen and should be stopped for the interest of Kashmir .These outside and non local laborers are performing the work for the people of Kashmir and are earning their meager livelihood .They are contributing to the economy of the J&K and are providing their services to the local populace and these hapless and innocent non Kashmiri laborers need our help and encouragement but they are killed and murdered in broad day light for sadistic pleasure by the enemies of humanity .Their heinous killings is a big sin against God and man and these dastardly killings of the unarmed and meek laborers should stop immediately as it brings disrepute to Kashmiriyet and these brute killings are against the religion and more so against the religion of Isalm which forbids the killings of the innocent people as such these insurgents and militants are working against the doctrines of Islam and therefore the militants should see the futility of the killings of these unarmed and innocent non Kashmiries and desist from such inhuman killings . One fails to understand as to which type of Jihed is the murders of the non local kashmiris for no fault of theirs except that they are working for the Kashmiries and thus contribute to the economy of the UT. The killings of the innocent laborers has become a vocation and habit of the marauders and these unfortunate killings of the innocent outsiders will not serve any purpose except bringing disrepute to the peaceful religion of Islam and the Kashmiriyet and therefore the people of Kashmir should raise their voice against such dastardly killings of the non kashmiri labors and condemn these killings with one voice. .These non Kashmiri laborers are eking out their living from their labors and physical work in an alien climate and conditions and they contribute to the economy and productivity of the union territory and hence they deserve our praise and good treatment but alas they are being killed for no fault of theirs by the armed men professing the which is very unfortunate and these killings should not happen .This seems to be the sinister plan of the militants to fight India and force the security forces to retaliate and punish those who indulge in such heinous crimes .These hapless and helpless non local laborers are putting their sweat and blood in their work and they perform their work for the local Kashmiries but it is very sad that in return for their work they are pumped with the bullets and made to flee from Kashmir for their life and safety .
The militants and their Pakistani masters should understand that no worthwhile purpose is going to be served by these brutal killings of the peaceful and innocent non kashmiries. The brute killings of non Kashmiri laborers is a slap and black stain on the face of Kashmiriyet and such inhuman killings put all of us to shame and therefore such heinous crimes should not happen in Kashmir. The killings of the non local laborers is s big slap on the doctrine and practice of co-existence for which Kashmir had the distinction of been famous throughout the world and such heinous crimes of the killings of the non kashmiri laborers is a blot on the face of Kashmir and for the high values for which Kashmir has the privilege of being called the cradle of composite culture .
The killing of the non local laborers has dented and destroyed its image of being a tolerant society where crime rate was nonexistent before the onset of militancy in 1990.Therefore if we want to have the privilege of being called as a tolerant society then the murders of the innocent non kashmiri laborers should be stopped .There is no other way to give a boost and impetus to our image than to stop violence and killings of the locals and non locals for the flourishing of the composite culture .During the past few months a number of the non kashmiri and outside laborers were killed to scare them so that they are forced and pressurized to leave the kashmit for the safety and security of their lives .Due to the unabated and targeted killings of many outside laborers ,a good number of them have left the valley and this is the sinister objective of the gun tottering youth .But they will fail in their nefarious objective because the majority of Kashmiries are peace loving and prefer peace to violence and they have rightly condemned the killings of the non local laborers .
The need of the hour is that the common Kashmiri should stand up and protest against the gruesome killings of the outside laborers .Recently three killings of the non local laborers have taken place .Some days earlier two unarmed and innocent laborers belonging to Bihar have been attacked and killed in the southern district of Pulwama and in this gruesome incident two other laborers have been injured .Recently a teen aged laborer has been killed in most brutal way in a village of the northern district of Bandipur in the dead of night when the victim was sleeping in his rented house .This incident of killing of a teen aged laborer while he was asleep is heart wrenching and hair raising and this crime needs to be not only be condemned but those brutes involved in the gruesome act need to be identified ,arrested and given a exemplary punishment for committing the heinous crime which is against the religion and also against the humanity .
The militants and their supporters and OGW,S and the hybrid militants should understand that no worthwhile purpose will be served by engineering the targeted killings of the meek and innocent non kashmiries but it will only lead to ruin of the kashmiriyet ,communal harmony and coexistence.
Therefore there is urgent and great need to arrest the trend of targeted killings of the outside laborers who are in Kashmir to serve the local populace and they should not be targeted and killed for no fault of theirs except that they are eking out meager livelihood from their sweat and blood by working hard for the kashmiries .
Thus the marauders should not indulge in the selective killings of the non local laborers as it is against the religion ,humanity and civility .Therefore the militants should see the futility of these killings and stop these for the interest of the kashmiriyet and coexistence. Our head hangs in shame over the murderers of the innocent and unarmed laborers who engage themselves in providing different services to the Kashmiries. The non local laborers especially from Bihar are also contributing and working in the agriculture as they are providing a helping hand to the farmers as such they should not be targeted and killed but deserve to be protected and meted with soft approach and helped to live a life free from the fear of the gun .It is very unfortunate ,anti humanity and anti religion that the militants have earlier killed a Gole Gappy seller and one is at a loss to understand as to what will the militants achieve by by killing the poor people from outside Kashmir. Enough is enough, the killings of the non locals should now stop immediately and the government should build lost confidence among the non local laborers so that they will continue to contribute to the economy of the UT.
Courtesy : Omkar Dattatray