Constitution of the State Council 1889
1. The Council will be composed as followings: Raja Ram Singh, Raja Amar Singh, Rai Bahadur, Pandit Suraj Koul, Rai Bahadur, Pandit Bhag Ram and such other members as may be added from time to time by the Government of India.
2. The Council shall appoint one of its members as Secretary.
3. Vacancies in the offices of Members of Council shall be filled up and the nomination of additional members shall be made by the Government of India.
4. The distribution of business among the members shall be regulated from time to time by orders passed in Council.
5. Subject to the general control of the Resident, the Council shall be the final authority on all questions affecting the frontier relations of the State and its dependencies and in all matters appertaining to its internal administration.
6. The Members-in-charge of departments of the administration shall prepare a budget estimate of their respective departments for the final sanction and approval of the Council.
7. No legislative measures or schemes of general State reform shall be introduced except with the previous sanction of the Council.
8. The Council shall have power to veto or alter any orders passed by the Member-in-charge of the department in chambers and may call for and revise any proceedings in any department of the administration.
9. All appointments and removals of Gazetted Officers shall be made by order of the Council.
10. The Council may lay down special rules for the guidance of any department of the administration.
11. The Council shall hold its sittings on such date and at such time and place as may be determined.
12. Two days before the meeting the Secretary shall prepare an agenda of the business to be laid before the Council and circulate the same among the Members.
13. Face Member shall at the same time be furnished as far as possible with copies of all the papers to be brought up at the meeting.
14. No motion when more than one Member present objects shall be laid before any meeting of Council for consideration until and unless it is borne on the agenda and a copy thereof supplied to each Member as provided in rules 12 and
15. Three Members shall form a quorum.
16. If a quorum is not formed the meeting shall be adjourned till such day as the Chairman may direct.
17. If within fifteen minutes of the hour fixed for Meeting Council, all the Members have not arrived those present may elect a Chairman, and proceed to transact business provided a quorum is present.
18. In emergent case Raja Ram Singh and Raja Amar Singh may convene a special meeting of Council and the rules herein before prescribed for ordinary meetings shall apply to such meeting.
19. All proceedings in Council shall be conducted in Vernacular. Every resolution as passed by a majority of votes shall be entered in detail in a minute book by the Secretary and before the close of the meeting the proceedings shall be read over to all the Members present and shall be signed by then provided that any Member or Members dissenting from any resolution shall if they so desire cause their dissent to be recorded.
20. In English translation of the proceedings shall be forwarded without delay to the Resident for information.
21. The Resident shall be the final referee in all matters and may veto any resolution passed by the Council or suspend action thereon pending further explanation.
22. The Secretary shall:
a. Receive all papers submitted to the Council.
b. Prepare and circulate agenda of business and give due notice of meetings to the Members.
c. Call for information on matters to be brought up before the Council.
d. Supervise the working of the office and custody and maintenance of records.
e. Furnish each Member with copy of the proceedings of the Council.
f. Compile the administration report and returns.
g. Comply with requisitions made to him by the Members-in-charge of departments.
h. See that reports called for the Council are promptly sent for from departments concerned.
i. Conduct all routine business appertaining to his office.
23. The Secretary shall keep:
a. The seal of the Council.
b. Registers of all establishments employed in the State, amended up-to-date.
c. Budget estimates as sanctioned by the Council.
d. Check statements of Budget sanctions.
e. Register of supplementary Budget sanctions.
f. List of pending references.
g. Minute books of proceedings.
24. If a member is unable to attend the meeting of the Council he shall notify the fact to the Secretary.
25. All proceedings of the Council unless otherwise directed by the Council shall by published in the Local Gazette.
The Council may frame subsidiary rules for carrying out the above provisions and for regulating other matters. falling within the scope of their authority.