Trade in Islam is not only a source of living but is one of the branches of faith that can draw closer to Allah. Making the trade or business as a form of worship will encourage a Muslim to become entrepreneurs who are faithful to Almighty Allah and be successful in the businesses. Honesty means not lying, not selling smoke, not trumped up the fact, not treasonable, and never broken faith, etc. A trader should be honest because a variety of untruthful action are clearly acts of sin, if it is common in the trade will also color and be negatively impact the personal and family lives of merchant itself. Even further, attitudes and actions such will color and affect social life.
“The traders must be honest in weighing, measuring and measuring merchandise. Deviation in weigh, measure and meter is a form of fraudulence in trade, although not so visible of loss and damage which is begotten it to mankind’s than a crime that greater, e.g. burglary, robbery, theft, corruption, manipulation, forgery and others, in fact still be forbidden by Almighty Allah and his Prophet (SAW). “
In a Hadith, Rasulullah suggests people to be merciful in a trade. Being merciful means being kind, respectful, friendly, and full of responsibility. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said: “Allah is compassionate to those who are merciful when he sells, buys, and demands for rights. (Bukhari) “Allah gives blessing for an easy trade”. Not Forgetting Hereafter Sale and purchase are world trade, whereas an obligation to implement Islamic law is trading of hereafter. Advantage of hereafter is better than profit of trade in the world.
Muslim traders are never being too busy themselves purely to seek material benefits by leaving profits hereafter. So when it comes time to pray, they are obliged to implement them before the expiry time of the prayer. It would be nice if they rushed together to pray in congregation, when the call to prayer had echoed.
The best thing is not an issue of price that is set according to the market mechanism, but the Halal status of the goods sold is more important.
Similarly, with the implementation of the obligation to meet the other pillars of Islam. Occasionally a Muslim trader should not neglect their religious obligations by reason flurry of trading. Seller should provide the best service to consumers, so that the consumer will feel that he shopped according to Islamic law, where consumer does not buy goods as desired but according to necessity. Seller should conduct the business honestly and goods sold are according to the price, and the buyer is not stimulated to buy goods as much as possible. The best thing is not an issue of price that is set according to the market mechanism, but the Halal status of the goods sold is more important. Goods and commodities are in the open market, so the buyer knows the state of the market before making a purchase on a large scale. Seller is not allowed to take advantage of the ignorance of the buyer on the state of the market and the prevailing price.
Therefore, every trader should continuously practice trade as per Islam based on holy Qur’an and Sunnah and try to be resourceful, fair, honest, trustworthy and sincere in every business establishment conducted to high ethical values among entrepreneurs.
Courtesy : Dr. Firdous Ahmad Reshi