Hindutva at a dangerous stage in Bangladesh

The increasing influence of Hindus in Bangladesh, their penetration into institutions, and their impact on the common psyche could be seen in the activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Hindutva project has entered a more confident and aggressive phase in Bangladesh. One can glean this from open support of the BJP for such efforts, open sloganeering to make Bangladesh part of India, attempts to provoke Muslims, an invitation to Hindus to take up arms, opposition to Awami League, the propagation of a narrative that Hindus are not being treated well in Bangladesh, organization of Hindus at the local level and open acknowledgment of receipt of help from the BJP and RSS.

The pace of penetration into civil administration and state institutions has accelerated many times and the scope has widened too. There are few assumptions about India’s intervention in the future, given the way the situation is changing on the ground.

  • BJP will wait till it forms the government in West Bengal. After the formation of the government, it will start arming its goondas associated with RSS on both sides of the border. Later, they will attempt to make Khulna, Jessore, Faridpur, Kushtia, Barisal, and Patokhali part of West Bengal.
  • An insurgency like situation may arise during this process looking at the growing influence of Hindus in Bangladesh. As a result, local Muslim people may get provoked leading to the killing of Hindus or vandalization/destruction of their properties and places of worship forcing them to take shelter across the border. RSS/BJP would then equip them with arms and infiltrate them into Bangladesh to capture the above-mentioned areas, to form a Hindu majority Banga Bhoomi.
  • As a leader, Hasina Wajid is capable of mobilizing Awami league members in the whole country. So far, in her decisions, she has chosen to go against Indian diktats on many occasions. Her government’s inclination towards China could be seen in the recent past. Keeping all this in mind, India may try to bring someone else more loyal to it. In that case, Bangladesh will be further subordinated and enslaved by India. India may also try to silence people raising their voice against its puppet in Dhaka, maybe, by using the Bangladeshi army and police.
  • Citizenship of 3-4 million Muslims has been revoked in Assam. Their case is in limbo. BJP may repeat to them, what China has done with Uighurs in Xinjiang and may resort to communal cleansing. Such a massacre may push Muslims towards Bangladesh and lead to an inflammable situation inside Bangladesh. Benefitting from the situation, RSS/BJP may start arming Hindus in Bangladesh and work towards separating the Hindu majority areas from Bangladesh declaring those areas as Banga Bhoomi.
  • Irrespective of how India reacts in the future, the situation obtaining in Bangladesh is very critical in regard to Muslims of Bangladesh in particular and the whole subcontinent in general.

We would call upon the Muslims to think as one Ummah and instead of recognizing issues facing Muslims in different countries as issues of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Afghanistan, we should advocate the concept of Islamic land. Our Lord has told us that polytheists and Jews are the staunchest enemies of Muslims. So, acquire strength to counter them, comprehend their tactics, and deter them before they cross their limits.

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