A young man has reportedly been forcibly disappeared by Pakistani security forces in the coastal city of Balochistan’s Gwadar.

According to local sources, Zubair Baloch, son of Umar, was allegedly detained from the Dasht Dhor Kundag area. He was taken to an undisclosed location, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

This incident adds to the growing number of enforced disappearances in Balochistan. On Thursday, two lawyers in Quetta were similarly forcibly disappeared by Pakistani forces but were released following protests from the Balochistan Bar Council and other legal bodies.

Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) and the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) have expressed grave concerns over the rising incidents of enforced disappearances across the region.

Both the VBMP and BYC have called on international human rights organizations to intervene, urging investigations into the disappearances and efforts to ensure the safe return of those missing.

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