Dr. Mahrang Baloch, the central organizer of the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC), has announced an indefinite sit-in protest in the coastal town of Gwadar if their demands are not met.

The announcement was made during the ‘Baloch National Gathering’ on Sunday, where thousands of Baloch people convened despite stringent measures by Pakistani authorities.

In her address, Dr. Baloch urged global powers to take immediate notice of the human rights abuses inflicted on the Baloch people by the state. “Today, an aware Baloch nation is present here, fully aware of who their real enemy is and who is ruthlessly exploiting their resources,” she stated.

Dr. Baloch highlighted the marginalization of the Baloch people in their own land. “In the name of Gwadar, capitalists are brought here, but when the people of Gwadar want to organize a peaceful political program, the entire city is locked down,” she remarked.

The sit-in on Gwadar’s Marine Drive will continue until the demands are met, Dr. Baloch declared. “Baloch women were assaulted, their shawls torn, and tear gas shells were thrown at them,” she pointed out. “Obstacles were set up in every area to stop the Baloch Raaji Muchi, but today, thousands have gathered in Gwadar.”

Meanwhile, in a policy statement, the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) announced that the ‘Baloch Raaji Muchi,’ originally planned as a one-day event, has been extended indefinitely due to state violence. “Despite curfews and brutality, thousands remain at Pidi Zar Gwadar, with additional sit-ins occurring at the Talaar checkpoint,” the statement read.

The BYC reported that over the past 48 hours, Gwadar and Balochistan have been turned into a war zone. “The state has enforced a full curfew, shut down internet and mobile networks, and engaged in indiscriminate firing,” the BYC stated.

This violence has resulted in one death and several injuries. “On one side, there was state brutality and terror in Gwadar, while on the other, a sea of unarmed and peaceful people stood firm,” the committee added.

The administration and government ordered the local Levies and police to fire indiscriminately at civilians and shoot anyone on sight, but the Levies and police refused to follow these orders. “Subsequently, Frontier Corps (FC) and army personnel fired at the crowd, resulting in one person being martyred and seven others injured, two critically,” the BYC detailed.

The BYC praised the steadfastness of the Baloch people. “Thousands participated in the Baloch Raaji Muchi, crushing state terror and proving that the people are the true power,” the BYC said.

The Baloch Yakjehti committee outlined two primary demands: all routes for convoys to reach Gwadar must be opened, and all arrested individuals must be released within 48 hours. “We are willing to negotiate these demands at Pidi Zar Gwadar, but if violence continues, tensions will escalate,” the BYC warned.

The BYC urged the Baloch people to remain peaceful and await further instructions. “The central committee will soon announce its next steps from Gwadar,” the statement concluded.

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