In the 2024 report of the Global Hunger Index (GHI), Afghanistan ranks 116 out of 127 countries with a score of 30.8. In the 2024 Global Hunger Index, Afghanistan has a level of hunger determined “serious.”

Countries scoring between 20 and 34.9 are classified as being in a “serious” stage, but below the “alarming” level, and Afghanistan is assessed as being in the “serious” category in terms of hunger severity.

The severity of hunger in Afghanistan is measured based on indicators such as child mortality, malnutrition, and stunted growth in children, which are all consequences of hunger.

According to the report, 30.4% of Afghanistan’s population is undernourished, and 5.8% of children die before their fifth birthday.

It also said that 3.6% of children under the age of five in Afghanistan are stunted, which is a sign of chronic malnutrition, and 44.6% of children have a lower-than-normal weight for their height, indicating acute malnutrition.

The report said that 5.8% of Afghan children die before the age of five due to insufficient nutrition and unhealthy living conditions.

In this year’s list, Belarus ranks as having the lowest hunger level globally, with a score below five, while Burundi and South Sudan, with scores between 35 and 49.9, are placed in the “alarming” hunger category.

Last year, Afghanistan ranked 114th with a score of 30.6, and its decline to 116th place this year reflects a worsening level of hunger in the country.

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