In response to recent statements made by Asif Ali Durrani regarding the potential for a 9/11-style attack originating from Afghanistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs firmly asserted that such threats are more likely to emerge from Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

The Deputy Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized Afghanistan’s current state of stability and security, while also highlighting that the complete eradication of the ISIS threat would be possible if the group’s hideouts along the Durand Line were neutralized.

Hafiz Zia Ahmad Takal further clarified that Afghanistan is no longer reliant on foreign loans and aid. Instead, the nation is making significant strides toward economic self-sufficiency by harnessing its own resources.

“The issues and threats that he referred to as coming from Afghanistan are, in reality, more likely to come from Pakistan. Afghanistan is now a stable country that is working towards self-sufficiency by utilizing its mineral resources, rather than relying on loans and foreign aid,” Takal said.

The statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also mentioned the suppression of Daesh in the country and added that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is Pakistan’s internal issue.

Mohammad Sadiq Shinwari, a military analyst, told TOLOnews: “The roots and foundations of terrorist groups are not in Afghanistan; rather, they are in Pakistan, which is currently jeopardizing regional stability.”

Salim Paigir, a political analyst, commented on Pakistan, saying, “The entire world knows that the terrorist hideouts are in Pakistan, and Pakistan intends to organize some kind of explosion in the future in Europe or the United States and preemptively blame the Afghans for it.”

Asif Ali Durrani, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Asif Ali Durrani had earlier claimed that attacks similar to 9/11 could potentially originate from Afghanistan in the future.

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