Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) has raised concerns over Gwadar floods and has urgently appealed for global assistance.

BYC has pointed to a so-called megaproject and misguided infrastructural policies as the root causes of the devastating floods in Gwadar. In an official statement, the Central spokesperson for BYC expressed that over the last two decades, state institutions have implemented ill-conceived infrastructural policies under the guise of a megaproject, resulting in the alteration of Gwadar city’s landscape. The consequence has been the occurrence of natural disasters, such as floods, leaving the historical residents homeless and exposed to the elements.

Despite Pakistan’s ambitions to develop Gwadar into a city comparable to Singapore and Dubai, the state has faced criticism for its failure to provide necessary machinery for floodwater drainage. The floodwaters persisted within the city and homes for more than 72 hours, prompting citizens to take matters into their own hands. The spokesperson underscored the citizens’ resilience in draining water from the city without adequate state support.

The BYC spokesperson called upon climate activists and global human rights organizations to raise their voices against the destructive consequences of so-called development projects and erroneous infrastructural policies in Gwadar. The committee highlighted the potential risks of remaining silent on the issue, emphasizing that failure to address these concerns could expose Balochistan, including Gwadar, to more perilous disasters in the future.

Dr. Mahrang Baloch, leader of BYC, along with colleagues, is on the ground in Gwadar reporting a dire situation. Floods have significantly impacted Gwadar and its surrounding areas, causing immense hardships for the local population. After a thorough assessment, BYC urgently appealed for dewatering machines, medical personnel, medicines, temporary shelters, and food in Gwadar.

During this challenging time, a global appeal has been made to individuals worldwide, including those in Balochistan, to extend support to the people of Gwadar in addition to state assistance. The BYC hopes that this collective effort will address the immediate needs of the affected population and mitigate the long-term impact of the disaster.

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