In an interview with the international news agency Reuters, Pakistani government and Civil Aviation sources revealed that the operation of an airport in Balochistan, built with Chinese assistance, has been indefinitely delayed following a security review. This review was prompted by the deadliest attacks by “pro-independence” Baloch armed group in the region last week.

The Baloch groups, who seek independence for the resource-rich region, have frequently targeted military forces assigned to the $65 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its associated projects. This week alone, over 130 personnel from security forces, civilians, and other institutions were killed in coordinated attacks across Balochistan.

China is inaugurating large-scale projects in Gwadar, including a $200 million airport located near the Gwadar port, which is a joint project between Pakistan, China, and Oman. According to Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority, the Gwadar airport, built with Chinese assistance, will be beneficial for both domestic and international flights and is expected to be one of the largest airports in Pakistan.

Initially, the plan was for Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to inaugurate the airport this month on August 14th alongside Chinese officials. However, due to protests by the Baloch Yakjehti Committee, the inauguration was canceled.

Following last week’s attacks by the Baloch Liberation Army, (BLA) considered the deadliest in years, two Civil Aviation officials and two members of the Balochistan provincial government told Reuters that the airport’s operations will commence only after a security review and addressing Chinese concerns.

A senior provincial government official, speaking to Reuters on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter, said that the Chinese were already quite concerned about the security situation in Balochistan, and these recent attacks would certainly cause further delays in the project.

In response to the recent attacks, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that China is ready to work with Pakistan to address security concerns and ensure the safe and smooth progress of the corridor’s construction.

Attempts to contact the spokesperson for the Balochistan government and the Pakistani Minister of Information for comments were met with a refusal to comment on the matter, Reuters said.

Although the latest attacks by Baloch separatists did not target any Chinese projects, such projects have frequently been attacked by Baloch separatist armed groups in the past. These groups view China as a foreign aggressor attempting to gain control over the region’s resources.

According to Reuters, it is unclear if Beijing has offered Pakistan direct assistance in managing the security of Chinese projects following the recent attacks. However, in 2022, after a suicide bombing targeted Chinese teachers in Karachi, special Chinese security teams worked with Pakistani security agencies to trace members of the BLA involved in the attack.

The Baloch Liberation Army has previously been involved in smaller-scale attacks in Balochistan, but it has been responsible for all the recent deadly attacks, heightening concerns for both China and Pakistan.

Additionally, on Friday, a spokesperson for the Pakistani military stated that intelligence-based operations have been launched against militants in response to the BLA’s attacks.

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