The family of the missing Muhammad Hayat has formally submitted his case of forced disappearance to the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP). Simultaneously, Pakistani security forces conducted several house raids in Balochistan’s Gwadar district.

According to the family’s complaint, on May 22nd, Pakistani forces forcibly apprehended Muhammad Hayat Mengal, son of Shah Nazar Khan, from Mastung city in Balochistan. Despite the passage of time, the family remains in the dark about his whereabouts, causing them immense mental agony.

VBMP, at the organizational level, assured the family that Muhammad Hayat’s case would be presented to the commission and government authorities. The organization pledges to advocate for his safe recovery and raise his voice at every available platform.

In a separate incident, Pakistani forces raided a house in the Surbandar area of Gwadar district, attempting to arrest a woman named Hani. However, their efforts were thwarted due to her absence. The forces harassed the women present and ransacked the house before departing.

Furthermore, local residents reported that a significant number of forces conducted house-to-house searches and subjected people to harassment last night.

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