The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) has issued a statement condemning what it describes as the harassment of families of those killed during the Baloch National Gathering (Baloch Raaji Muchi) over the filing of First Information Reports (FIRs) by Pakistani intelligence agencies and certain provincial assembly members.

In a recent media statement, the BYC expressed “deep concerns” about these actions and called for an end to what they described as “reprehensible tactics.”

In their statement, the BYC highlighted the ongoing situation in Balochistan, claiming that state violence and repression are pushing the public’s patience to its limits. “The people’s endurance against this tyranny and oppression is waning, and millions will take to the streets to dismantle this oppressive system from its roots,” the statement read.

The BYC also addressed members of the provincial assembly, warning them against their attempts to outdo each other in loyalty to the state for personal gain. “Provincial assembly members supporting oppression and repression against their own people for a seat and some privileges are committing a social crime and may face significant public backlash,” the BYC warned.

It should be noted that Pakistani security forces fired at convoys heading to the Baloch National Gathering, resulting in the deaths of three BYC supporters. The BYC is demanding that FIRs be registered against the security personnel responsible for these actions.

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