Dr. Mahrang Baloch, central organizer of the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC), has urged the international community to intervene in Balochistan, warning of a humanitarian crisis and claiming that the military has effectively taken control of the region.In a video statement from Gwadar on Wednesday, Dr. Baloch said that Gwadar has been under siege for the past four days following the BYC’s ‘Baloch Raaji Muchi’ protest against Baloch ‘genocide’ and human rights violations. “The BYC organized the Raaji Muchi on July 28 to protest against the genocide of Baloch people and human rights violations,” she said.

She explained that participants from across Balochistan were heading to Gwadar to register their protest. “Instead of facilitating the participants and ensuring their safe arrival, the state used force to disperse them.” she added.

Dr. Baloch described the severe measures taken by security forces, including blocking highways to Gwadar and using force against protesters, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries. “Over 500 people are in the custody of the security forces,” Baloch stated. She highlighted the lack of detailed information about detainees and injured individuals, including many women.

“Besides Gwadar, people are staging sit-ins at various locations across Balochistan, and the government is using force against them, with reports of detentions and violence,” she said.

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