In response to the blocking of the Torkham crossing by the caretaker government of Pakistan, the Islamic Emirate said that Islamabad changed its policies without considering the conditions and problems of the business people of both countries.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, told TOLOnews that blocking the crossings of Afghanistan and Pakistan is not in the interest of any country, and efforts are underway to reach an acceptable agreement for the business people of both countries.

It’s been a week since the Torkham crossing was blocked for trucks.

Mujahid called the passport and visa conditions that Pakistan has imposed on Afghan drivers as difficult.

Mujahid said: “they always implement something new without considering our people’s conditions. Well, these changes have affected business. The routes between the two countries are closed, and the conditions they have imposed are very difficult because they have made it necessary to have a visa, while thousands of people cross daily which is completely a normal process.”

Some businessmen in the country said that the stopping of more than 500 containers of businessmen’s goods in Karachi port and the blocking of the crossings have caused them huge financial losses. These businessmen want the authorities of the two countries to reopen the crossings as soon as possible.

Zulmay Azimi, a board member of the chamber of commerce and investment of Nangarhar, said: “The crossings have been blocked, and thousands of our containers, both on this side of the crossing and on the other side of the crossing, such as fresh fruit and raw materials, have remained behind the fence, which will cause at least $20 million dollars of losses to the private sector of Afghanistan.”

“In order to increase trade and provide ease, the government should focus more on other ports such as Chabahar and Central Asia, Wakhan ports, and finally ports that can connect us to different markets at a cheap price should be prioritized,” said Mahbobullah Mohammadi, a trader.

Meanwhile, The Pakistan Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PAJCCI) called for the separation of political and security issues from business issues between the two countries.

Khan Jan Alokozay, a member of the ACCI’s board of directors, said: “We must separate the economy from politics and such words and see it go according to the international method, even between countries that do not have embassies, but there is trade. Supposedly, for now, between European countries and Russians, there are many problems, but they have trade.”

At the same time, besides the Torkham crossing, Spin Boldak, Ghulam Khan, Kharlasi, Angur Ada and Chaman are also blocked for the movement of commercial vehicles.

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