Chinese start leaving Pakistan after Karachi University suicide attackChinese start leaving Pakistan after Karachi University suicide attack

The recent suicide attack that killed 3 Chinese teachers was carried outside the University of Karachi’s (KU) Confucius Institute.

A large number of Chinese nationals are leaving Pakistan from Karachi after 3 Chinese nationals and one Pakistani citizen were killed in a suicide attack by a Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) at Karachi University on April 26.

A video is going viral on social media showing a large number of Chinese in PPE kits leaving from Karachi Airport.

As soon as the US sponsored imported regime came into power followed by a blast. News is that over 2000 chinese are leaving Pakistan.

As a part of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative, a large number of Chinese engineers and other personnel have been operating in Pakistan’s Sindh and Balochistan regions. Many Chinese professors are also teaching Pakistani students in Mandarin at various universities and institutes.Indigenous Baloch and Sindhi political groups are enraged by this since they reject any Chinese involvement in their territory.

This has irked the indigenous Baloch and Sindhi political activists are they oppose any China’s investment in their region.

The recent suicide attack that killed 3 teachers was carried outside the University of Karachi’s (KU) Confucius Institute. The Balochistan Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Karachi suicide bombing is part of an intensifying Baloch pushback against the 54 billion USD China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It also spotlights the larger and deeper struggle for Balochistan’s freedom.

Meanwhile, China has demanded an explanation from Pakistan, as well as a thorough and comprehensive inquiry into the purported suicide bombing in Karachi. In an Editorial dated April 27, China’s mouthpiece, the Global Times, said, “No matter who the perpetrators are and whom they are targeting, they must be severely punished. The Pakistani side must conduct a comprehensive and detailed investigation.

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