Dalai Lama On China: Dalai Lama said that the Chinese government destroyed many Buddhist Viharas.

China is attempting to target and destroy Buddhism but it won’t succeed, the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama said during the third and last day teaching program at Kalachakra Maidan in Bodh Gaya.

Accusing China of considering Buddhism as poisonous and of carrying out a systematic campaign to destroy the religion and weed it out from China by destroying its institutions, Dalai Lama asserted that China has totally failed in doing so.

“We have strong faith in Buddha dharma, when I visit trans-Himalayan regions, I find local people very devoted to dharma and it is the case in Mongolia and in China too though the system (Chinese government) sees dharma as poison and tried to destroy it, but they are not successful,” Dalai Lama said.

“Buddhism was harmed by the Chinese government. Buddhism could not be destroyed from China. Even today, there are many people who believe in Buddhism in China,” he added.

Accusing China of considering Buddhism as poisonous and of carrying out a systematic campaign to destroy the religion and weed it out from China by destroying its institutions, Dalai Lama asserted that China has totally failed in doing so.

“We have strong faith in Buddha dharma, when I visit trans-Himalayan regions, I find local people very devoted to dharma and it is the case in Mongolia and in China too though the system (Chinese government) sees dharma as poison and tried to destroy it, but they are not successful,” Dalai Lama said.

“Buddhism was harmed by the Chinese government. Buddhism could not be destroyed from China. Even today, there are many people who believe in Buddhism in China,” he added.

“If we look at Tibetan tradition also, Shakyas practice Bodhicitta in Nigama, Bodhicitta keeps the mind and body long and gives longevity. This also gives good sleep. Looking at the welfare of all, nothing can be better than this. Through the practice of Bodhicitta, the evils and sorrows within can be removed,” Dalai Lama told more than 80,000 Buddhist devotees during the discourse.

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