China has started promoting Rice bran as the staple food amid the ongoing food shortage in the country, as since 2020, shortages have remained a significant issue for the Chinese masses, Geo Politik reported.

The development of the rice bran industry in order to promote rice bran in the diet is essential for improving the nutrition and health of its people, and it will also help to promote food loss reduction, according to a notification published on the official website of China’s National Health Commission on January 19.

The website also noted that the National Rural Industry Development Plan (2020-2025) was created by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2020 to encourage the full usage of byproducts such as rice husks, rice bran, wheat bran, and others, Geo Politik reported.

Notably, the outer layer of the rice is used to obtain the rice bran (Oryza sativa).

The two main uses are to extract oil and feed it to animals.

In addition to global warming, a major factor contributing to the growing food problem in China is the loss of agriculturally productive land as well.

A fifth of the world’s population lives in China. However, it is estimated that only 11 per cent of the country’s land is what would be considered ideal for agriculture.< ..

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine also had a negative effect on the nation’s food supply system and has caused chaos.

The Covid-induced disruption has aggravated an already serious situation on the food front. This predicament comes at a time when the race to industrialize in China has left it with a lop-sided development, with a shortage of arable land.


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