The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has claimed responsibility for an IED attack targeting alleged state collaborators in Dukki, Balochistan. In a statement to the media, BLA spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch said the attack targeted a vehicle involved in the exploitation of Balochistan’s natural resources.

According to the spokesperson, BLA fighters carried out a remote-controlled IED attack on a supply vehicle in the Tekedaar Nadi area, resulting in the vehicle’s destruction and injuring two individuals on board.

Jeeyand Baloch accused certain individuals in Dukki of collaborating with the Pakistani army in the looting of Baloch resources. “These collaborators are actively working against Baloch national interests,” he stated. “We will directly target all state operatives involved in the exploitation of Baloch resources and the genocide of the Baloch people.”

He issued a warning to those involved in these activities, urging them to cease immediately. “Otherwise, they will be responsible for their own losses, both personal and financial,” the BLA spokesperson added.

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