Two Baloch youths reportedly went missing from the Turbat district of Balochistan on Saturday.

According to reports, on Saturday night, Pakistani forces allegedly detained two youths from Askani Bazar in Apsar and subsequently moved them to an unknown loaction. The abductees have been identified as Shoaib Ahmed, son of Bahram, and Balach, son of Durra.

The families of the victims have blocked roads in the area in protest for the safe return of their loved ones. “The protest will continue until the safe release of Shoaib and Balach”, said the families.

It is pertinent to mention that forced disappearances are a daily occurrence in Balochistan. More than 55,000 people are reportedly missing from different areas of the region. Human rights organizations and the families of the victims accuse Pakistani forces and their intelligence agencies of running local militias known as “death squads” that target kill and forcibly detain activists.

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