Two more men went missing from the Hub Chowki and Kharan cities of Balochistan.

According to reports, Pakistani forces have allegedly forcefully detained two youths and shifted them to an unknown location. Two days earlier on March 9, security forces reportedly raided a house near the Daru Hotel of Hub Chowki and allegedly arrested a man named “Javed s/o Ghulam Qadir, since then his whereabouts remain unknown to the family.

Sources said that the forces also tortured women and children during the raid.

Meanwhile, Pakistani forces reportedly arrested a passerby from the Civil hospital road in the Kharan district and shifted him to an unknown location.

The identification of the abductee from Kharan could not be ascertained yet.

It should be noted that enforced disappearances have been accelerated all over Balochistan, last week on Wednesday two youths: Shehzad s/o Bohair and Faraz s/o Iqbal went missing from Turbat city of Kech district. While earlier on Sunday a man named Hameed Baloch s/o Babu Mehrab was also reportedly abducted from Gwadar city.

The enforced disappearances allegedly by the Pakistani law-enforcement forces have been going on for more than two decades, while the families of the victims have also been struggling for the safe recovery of their loved ones — asking the state for their whereabouts through demonstrations, protests, and camping in front of the press clubs of Quetta and Karachi for more than a decade, but the missing persons nor brought to the courts neither to jails.

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