With train from Katra to Baramulla set to be launched anytime around January 20, extraordinary security arrangements are being made all along the track especially from Reasi onwards where it will pass isolated areas including the villages which were once militancy-prone, highly sensitive tunnels and bridges including world’s highest rail bridge before entering the valley.

Official sources told the Excelsior that multi-tier security arrangements have been finalized to ensure fool-proof security for the trains passing from Reasi to Baramulla, known as most sensitive part of Udhampur-Baramulla railway track, and are being put in place. Entire security system will be ready well before launch of the train, they said.
“Army and paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) will support the security arrangements all along the track from Reasi onwards though they will not be directly involved in the protection which will be done by the Railways Protection Force (RPF) at Railways Station and running trains,’’ the sources said, adding all assets of the Railways will also be protected by the RPF.
A full company of the Army has been deployed for protection of Chenab bridge also known as the world’s highest railway bridge. The bridge will be guarded round-the-clock and will remain under hawk’s eye of the Army. The bridge has invited attention of the entire world and has become a famous spot for the visitors as it is 35 meters tallest than Eiffel Tower of France.
“The Counter-Insurgency part for the railway track, trains and assets will be looked after by the Government Railways Police (GRP),’’ the sources said, adding that GRP and RPF are being deployed in adequate numbers for ensuring safety and security of the passengers, trains and railways assets on Katra-Baramulla track.
They said Jammu and Kashmir Police will also play its role in ensuring protection of the rail services. Local police and Special Operation Group (SOG) will be involved in area domination along track, Railway Station and assets of the railways. A number of new pickets of police and SOG have been created in the areas close to the track and additional personnel have been deployed for area domination.
Apart from this, there will be sanitization of trains before departure and frisking of the passengers at all Railway Stations. Round-the-clock patrolling will also be done inside and outside all tunnels and bridges along the track.
The train services presently operate up to Katra, the base camp of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Ji shrine. The track from Jammu to Katra via Udhampur passes through generally peaceful areas. However, the track from Reasi to Baramulla has many critical areas which had been militancy-prone earlier and security agencies don’t want to take any chances.
The Chenab Rail Bridge, located in Reasi district, stands 359 meters (1,178 feet) above the riverbed, making it 35 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
The Anji Khad Bridge has a total length of 473.25 meters, including a 120-metre viaduct and a 94.25-metre central embankment.
Regarding the inauguration of train services to Kashmir from Delhi, the Commissioner of Railway Safety will conduct statutory inspections and final trials on January 7 and 8.
Sources said Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off first train to Kashmir after clearance given by the Commissioner of Railway Safety about safety of the track following statutory inspections. However, date of inauguration is yet to be finalized.

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