The federal government has taken important decisions in the context of security situation in Balochistan, under which security forces will be able to detain anyone in the province suspected of terrorism for up to three months.

The federal cabinet has approved an amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), 1997. After the approval of the cabinet, the amendment bill would now be presented in parliament.

According to official sources, the federal cabinet has decided to give special powers to the Pakistan Army, civil armed forces and the executive, for which the federal cabinet approved the amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, on a summary of the interior ministry.

According to sources, it has been decided to initiate legislation to amend the Section 11EE of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, which will provide legal protection to security forces for more effective counter-terrorism operations.

Sources said security forces would be able to preemptively detain anyone suspected of terrorism, and joint investigation teams (JITs) comprising secret agencies and law-enforcers would be formed.

Sources said people who could pose a threat to national security would be detained preemptively. The JITs would conduct comprehensive investigations and collect information about terrorists.

According to sources, the federal cabinet has ordered to include a sunset clause in the amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Act, which means the amendment would remain effective for a certain period of time, under which security forces would be empowered to carry out pre-trial detentions. After that certain period of time, those powers of security forces would be abolished.

Sources said security forces would be empowered to detain anyone suspected of terrorist activities for the maximum period of three months.

Meanwhile, the federal government intensified measures to fight terrorism. According to government sources, it has been decided to provide all necessary resources to armed forces and law-enforcement agencies (LEAs).

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took the federal cabinet members into confidence on important measures. The inside details of the federal cabinet meeting, held on August 30, showed that the PM informed the participants about the briefing of corps commander Quetta, who gave a briefing on the security situation in Balochistan.

The PM was apprised of the steps taken to deal with nefarious intentions of terrorists. The PM was informed about the attempts to separate the Baloch youth through a narrative of division. The PM was informed about spread of hatred against the state by foreign elements and terrorists. Taking the cabinet into confidence, the PM clarified that the agenda of anti-national elements would be dealt with strong hands.

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