The Government of India is bound by the historical resolution of the Parliament of 1994 which resolves and mandates that India should take steps to vacate the illegal occupation of the PoJK and merge it with India. The parliament resolution further resolved that whole of J&K is an integral and inseparable part and parcel of India. Thus, the Government of India is bound by the far reaching and important resolution of the parliament and is committed to take necessary steps to liberate and annex PoJK to India. The other day a layman whispered an important thing to me that the time is opportune to liberate Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir because China is engaged in encircling Taiwan and has kept its army in stand by mood ready to enter and attack it to satisfy its extra territorial ambitions. He further said that big cop of the world and super power USA has kept its war fleet ready to protect the territorial sovereignty and integrity of Taiwan and protect it from the attack of China.
It is a fact and stark reality that the time is ripe and opportune to fulfill the commitment made through parliament resolution in question and commence the noble task and mission of liberating and annexing the PoJK to India.
The present circumstances have provided an opportunity to India and it should use it to annex PoJK to India by embarking on the plan to liberate PoJK. 140 crore Indians are behind the government if it takes steps to liberate and annex PoJK and the government should not feel alone in this task of the nation and the people of India will help and cooperate with the government to give a practical shape to the important resolution on PoJK. The often stating by BJP government and its leadership that PoJK will be liberated and annexed to India is not suffice leave alone only to boost the morale of the army and the general masses.
There is a strong government in place in India which has got the strong mandate of the people. Besides the country has a strong willed and bold prime minister in Narendra Modi and therefore the government should take practical steps in the direction of liberating and annexing PoJK to implement the parliament resolution. There is no use in only repeating the assertion that whole Jammu and Kashmir is our own and the government will liberate the occupied part of the Jammu and Kashmir. The so often repetitions that whole J&K is ours does not serve any purpose except to further the vote bank politics. It has been observed that when the elections are nearing, the government is giving statements to liberate the PoJK and annex it to India.
The geo political situation is favorable for taking practical steps to fulfill the parliament resolution and honor the commitment made to the Indians in this connection. Therefore, the Government should leave its habit of reiterating that whole Jammu & Kashmir is ours and steps will be taken to liberate and annex the PoJK to India. The time has come that the government of India and its strong and able leadership should embark on the mission of annexing PoJK to India and it needs that practical measures should be taken to realize the spirit of the parliament resolution. The government should not waste its time and stop to divert the attrition of the gullible masses from the pressing problems as the often reiteration only seems only a diversionary tactics of the government and it cannot annex PoJK with India.
The action of liberating and annexing is very complex and it involves the psychology of the people and therefore well thought steps need to be taken in the direction of liberating and annexing PoJK. The ground reality and the international conditions are favourable for taking practical steps to operationalize and give a practical shape to the parliament resolution of 1994 without any further delay as it will then be late. The time and geo political conditions are ripe and favourable for taking action on the parliament resolution and therefore the government should seize and catch the opportunity and commence the annexation of the PoJK to fulfil a long demand of the people of India and also to give a practical; shape to the often quoted resolutions by the BJP and the government. Since China which is the enemy number one of India and super cop America which also does not favour India so for as its commitment to liberate and annex PoJK to India is concerned are both engaged with Taiwan and both the super powers are in confrontation with each other over the Taiwan tangle. Moreover some countries are either siding China or supporting America and are opposed to any attack on Taiwan and therefore India should grab the opportunity and attack Pakistan to liberate and annex PoJK. Therefore the government should make a strategy and involve its think tank and defense experts in the exercise of starting to give a practical shape to the parliament resolution and make no delay in implementing the important parliament resolution otherwise the people will think that the government and the BJP leaders are befooling them through often repeating of the commitment to liberate and annex PoJK. Now the time has come to implement and give a practical shape to the parliament resolution concerning Jammu and Kashmir.
The government made it clear that no one in the country should entertain any doubt about the will and right intention of the NDA government of liberating and annexing PoJK. But it needs that the often repeated assertions of the government should now be backed by the practical implementation on the ground. Therefore the government should not waste further time in only asserting that whole J&K belongs and India and steps will be taken to annex PoJK with India. What is needed is that the strong willed government and its bold leadership should take sincere steps to fulfil the parliament resolution in letter and spirit by operationalizing and implementing the important resolutions by taking required steps to liberate and annex the PoJK. As quoted above the conditions seem to be favourable to India and the time is opportune and so BJP government should embark on the practical plan to annex PoJK and the whole of the 140 crore Indians are with the government if it embarks on the plan of implementation of the parliament resolution of 1994.
Thus the government should grab the favourable opportunity and initiate the practical process of liberating and annexing PoJK and should not make a further delay in this national task. So, the government should commence the plan of giving a practical shape to the often quoted resolutions and commitments to annex PoJK, otherwise there is no benefit of only repeating the resolve of liberating and annexing PoJK time and again. Therefore the strong mandated government of BJP should put its act together and embark on the national task of annexing PoJK to India to fulfill the much important resolution of the parliament. Since the government is duty bound to implement the parliament resolution regarding the liberating and annexing PoJK, it should take immediate and practical steps to liberate and annex PoJK to India as the internal and international conditions are favourable for this national task. In short it can be said that liberating and annexing of PoJK is unfinished agenda of unfortunate partition of the country and thus steps should be taken to liberate and annex PoJK to India as the time is very opportune and favourable and the government should not fritter this opportunity in any case.
Courtesy : Omkar Dattatray