Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said despite making promises when they took over, the Taliban have only gone in the opposite direction.

Blinken while visiting Tashkent said the US has had contact with the Islamic Emirate “since the takeover of Afghanistan,” and they “made certain commitments” but “unfortunately, what we’ve seen ever since is movement in the opposite direction.

Blinken said that the US has been the number one provider of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, saying “we’ve worked very hard to make sure that food, medicine, basic supplies were made available to them.

Women barred from receiving education

Women in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime have been deprived of several rights including ban on school and University education.

Since 15 August 2021, the Taliban have restricted women and girls’ freedom of movement, excluded women from most areas of the workforce and banned them from using parks, gyms and public bath houses.

These restrictions have confined Afghan women and girls to the four walls of their homes.

Last week, a video went viral on social media where a woman was being punished by Taliban officials by throwing stones at her.

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