Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana today said that the fast transforming Jammu and Kashmir is emerging as a prime sports hub in the country with thrust on state-of-art infrastructure and allied facilities.
“The successful culmination of the Khelo India winter event in Gulmarg is shining example of managerial excellence and unique hospitality, Jammu and Kashmir is known for the world over”, Rana said while declaring open Federation Cup Equipped National Powerlifting Championship for men and women at Indoor Stadium Bhagwati Nagar here.
The teams from 26 states / UTs across the country are participating.
He said sports are getting huge impetus in the Union Territory and 24x7x365 calendar of various sports activities stand testimony to dawning peace and normalcy besides determination of various institutions, associations and budding sportspersons in all the disciplines.
He said Jammu and Kashmir has already made a mark in the popular games like cricket, hockey, football and the various other games across the country and even globally.
Referring to the Federation Cup Equipped National Powerlifting Championship 2023, Devender Rana wished that the world champion would be a lifter from this part of the country. He, however, wished all the success to the participating competitors, hoping that the event will witness sportsmanship at its best.
Highlighting the crucial significance of sports in overall growth of youngsters, BJP said that apart from ensuring physical fitness, the sports open up vistas of opportunities for talented ones in career advancement in this competitive era.
“The growing participation of the Indian youth in general and the sportspersons from Jammu and Kashmir in particular in various national and international events is serving as an inspiration for the young people and drawing them towards games from early childhood”, Rana said adding that he gets overwhelmed to see young boys and girls making it to playfields every day for practice, coaching and participation in various competitions.
Rana expressed happiness over power lifting gaining acceptability and popularity in Jammu and hoped the budding sports persons will excel in the sport and bring laurels for Jammu and Kashmir.
He wished the participating sportspersons success in their chosen field and also lauded the organizers for holding the event.
Rajeev Sharma Member Sports Council J&K, Ashok Singh, District Sports Officer, Dharamveer Singh Jamwal, Baba Chanchal Singh, Somnath Khajuria, Rajinder Singh Chib, Sucha Singh, Kuldeep Singh Jamwal and Surinder Singh Gilli were present during the event.

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