A total of 53 youth from north Kashmir’s Kupwara have qualified for Agniveer, the result of which was declared recently.

Scores of youth from the district had applied for the Agniveer and among them fifty three have qualified after they were put to physical and written test.

The Agniveer scheme was launched in January 2022 for the youth to join the armed forces, which provides an opportunity to serve for a short span of four years along with a graduation degree. After serving for four years, they will have financial support and experience to begin a second inning.

Tanveer Ahmad Khoja, who has been selected as Agniveer, happens to be the resident of Dardpura village, which is popularly known as the Village of Widows. Tanveer’s dedication and persistence to become an Agniveer has made his entire village and family proud. “I have always been enthusiastic about joining the army, and the hard work of the last five months has finally paid off,” he said.

Parviz Ahmad Baba a resident of Nowpora Tanghdar had been trying to join armed forces since 2019, however could never make the cut.

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