In a country where the people have been conditioned to devote over cricket and football, few know that India relegates an entire day to celebrate the glory of all kinds of sports. The National Sports Day is observed on 29th August every year and coincides with the birthday of legendary Hockey Olympian, Dhyan Chand Singh. The National Sports Day which is also known as the Rashtriya Khel Divas was first inducted into the long list of celebratory days in 2012. Ever since then it has been the centre of attraction for ardent sports lovers of the country. The sole reason behind celebrating National Sports Day lies in championing the spirit of sportsmanship and propagating the message of various sports. The states of Punjab and Haryana are particularly involved in this and the celebrations are done with a lot of pomp and flair. Various competitions are organized ranging from kabaddi, marathon, basketball, tennis, football, cricket among others while talent hunts are conducted at the same time, all in the combined effort to promote sporting talent.
Games and sports are an integral part of our life. It plays an essential role in the development of the human resources of a nation. The energy and potential of youth could be channelised for productive and meaningful purposes through games and sports. Jammu and Kashmir has prioritised the promotion of games and sports among the youth. The aim is to use sports to transform the youth into a self-confident, organised, and competent workforce, which could bring social changes and economic development to the region.
“Talent is available far and wide, but what is required is identifying such talent at the right time and providing the necessary support system to hone their capabilities. To energise and channelise the energy of youth, the government of J&K took out a new sports policy on 3 February 2022. Through this policy, the government has envisioned creating a desired eco-system enabling youth to scale new heights. Since the onset of cross-border in late 1988, the youth and sports of J&K have been affected very badly.”
The government of India is trying to make J&K a sports destination by creating world-class infrastructure and introducing a new sports policy for the Union Territory. As per Jammu and Kashmir sports council, around 500 athletes have won medals in numerous games at the national level. There has been a colossal revolution in sports infrastructure all over Jammu and Kashmir. Various new stadiums of the international standard have been created, while many others are being built up in various districts of the Union Territory. The Sports Council of Jammu and Kashmir has motivated young people to take sports as a career.
The youth of J&K are delighted about the changes in the sports sector. Encouragingly, girls in huge numbers are participating in the sports and representing India at national and international events. The government has also encouraged sports to protect youth from drugs and other illegal activities. The youngsters who pick up sports make a name for themselves and earn from it. These sportspeople are inspiring other young minds also.
Prevention of radicalisation and terrorism requires increasing inclusion and social cohesion. Sports can play a distinctive role by generating social capital, helping to mobilise communities, and promoting social inclusion and solidarity. Sports can act as a tool for countering terrorism, radicalisation and social tension and promote peace, tolerance and understanding by bringing people together across boundaries, cultures and religions. Sports have long been considered valuable for fostering communication and building bridges between communities. When the threat of radicalisation is looming large, sports and games could provide a platform for counter-radicalisation.